We decided instead of throwing her a big party that she probably wont even remember (yeah yeah she is kid number two...it happens) That we were just going to do her favorite things all day long! So I apologize in advance for the birthday attire...I know i will be hearing it from bella since i constantly rag on her for letting her kids run around naked...but whatever! One of alysse's fav things to play is"cooking" in her pool with my measuring cups. Several times a day I will find her out in the backyard fully clothed standing knee deep in the pool ...cooking. So I now just strip her down before she goes out. So on her birthday i just let her go for it and as you can see she was quite happy! after she was done in the pool we played real cooking and made her cupcakes for her special day. She loved the beaters but kept re-dipping them.
She Loved her cupcake and made a huge mess! She then opened her presents...and she sure loved her new "ner-nie " that she got from ashlyn. She also got a nemo bubble blower and a mini van to play family with from her nana! It was so cute to hear her squeal SLIDE as aaron brought it out of the garage! Both girls spent the rest of the night screaming and going up and down the slide!!!